Monday, October 22, 2012

Cuban Missile Crisis- War Avoided - Backstory

From Old NFO we find about a US Air Force B-52 Crew doing their job.

"On that breezy, sunny October  day, I was one of the pilots in the lead B-52 of the two aircraft formation which had received the command message while on alert to launch our aircraft, proceed to our airborne orbit points off the boundary of the Soviet Union, and wait for the execution message to strike the heartland of Russia.  We were not the only strike aircraft launching.  Alert aircraft in pairs from almost every SAC combat base in the United States were scrambling to get airborne and to precede to their strike orbit points.  Our mission was somewhat different because our course would take us in the vicinity of Cuba.  We were directed to vector our course so as to fly over the Russian ships off the coast of Cuba and to report our sightings to SAC headquarters."

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