Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Things our Military does you don't know

"One Mig was VERY aggressive in his 'push', so we decided to fix his butt...We were at the Southern end of our track and getting close to our offsta time, so we called the F-4 (who conveniently was off the oppositewing) and told him we were going to slow down.  We dropped to 180 kts, the F-4 dropped flaps, leading edge, etc. and was basically hanging on the engines, and we noted the Mig was starting to wallow a bit. We kept coming back on the power, down to 160, then 150, then 140.  All the while we were gradually descending from 5000 to 3000 feet.  Finally at about 140 kts, the Mig departed and stalled/pitched over..."

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