Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Syria's Chemical Weapons are missing?

Why isn't front page news and the main talking points on EVERY news network?

"The U.S. has lost track of some of Syria’s chemical weapons, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Friday, and does not know if any potentially lethal chemicals have fallen into the hands of Syrian rebels or Iranian forces inside the country. 

“There has been intelligence that there have been some moves that have taken place. Where exactly that’s taken place, we don’t know.” 

Panetta said, in a Pentagon press briefing.Panetta said that the “main sites” in Syria storing chemical weapons with which the Pentagon is most concerned remain secured by the Syrian military. But there is “some intelligence” that “limited” movements of weapons from other sites have occurred, he said, “for the Syrians to better secure what they – the chemicals.”

Is this somehow NOT important?  It's not important that Weapons of Mass Destruction are loose in the world and we don't know who has them or where they are?  Is that what we're being told?

When is the Obama Administration and the press planning on telling us more about this?  AFTER a bunch of people die from being exposed to a chemical weapon?

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