Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Texas schools implementing RFID tracking of students

"A school district in Texas came under fire earlier this year when it announced that it would require students to wear microchip-embedded ID cards at all times. Now students who refuse to be monitored say they are feeling the repercussions."

Hmmm in this state in the so-called "Bible Belt" these school administrators don't see  issues with this?  Or with the Fourth Amendment?  If my children's school went to this, their school would lose the funding they receive for having my kids there.  I would pull them out of the school and either homeschool them or find some way to afford a private school for them.  This is just so wrong on many levels.

Here is a Data Point for the school administrators.  Many Christians believe RFID Tracking Technology is the first step to the mark of the Beast, you know the Devil, Lucifer, Satan.  Let me give you a refresher.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.(Revelation 13:17)"

So the kids can't get lunch, they can't attend school functions, they can't do anything without carrying the little RFID card.

And you administrators don't see what is wrong with this?

What school did you get your degree from?  Are we sure it's not from one of those degree factories where you send in some money and some cereal box tops to get your handy dandy accredited degree?

Someone doesn't seem to understand that a lot of your students are from very religious families.  Families who DO read their Bible, and DO believe what it says.

Now how about the Fourth Amendment issues.  This card is to "Track" the students whereabouts.  Who said the school will stop "Tracking" the students as soon as they go off campus?  What about the bathroom?  Or the Nurses Office?  Supposedly this is to "relax the rampant truancy rates devastating the state’s school and the subsequent funding they are failing to receive as a result", so this is about money to them.  They only see this as about money.  Hmmm, let me post a few other things that are just about money.

"LAPD Joins Feds In Skirting Fourth Amendment With Cell Phone Tracking Devices"

"Federal court OKs warrantless cell phone tracking by police"

"Unwarranted Intrusion: GPS and the Fourth Amendment"

Do you want more? Now you might read those and say "How are those about money?"  All I will say to that is


Need I continue?

Government Entities have tracked citizens without warrants, without consent, all for money.

And when you try to fight back and assert your rights, well I'll let the parent of a student fighting against these RFID card for religious reasons reply.

"The girl’s father, Steve Hernandez, tells WND that the school has been somewhat willing to work with the daughter’s demands, but insists that her family “would have to agree to stop criticizing the program” and start publicly supporting it
“I told him that was unacceptable because it would imply an endorsement of the district’s policy and my daughter and I should not have to give up our constitutional rights to speak out against a program that we feel is wrong,” Mr. Hernandez responded."

 Read that again...  "Would have to agree to stop criticizing the program, and start publicly supporting it"  In other words, we'll listen to what you have to say when you shut up and start spewing our message.  And Spew is right.  I wonder if they intentionally decided to emulate Nancy "You have to pass it to know what's in it" Pelosi.

H/t Kenny - Wirecutter

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