Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Obama Campaign

is either being run by a Kender, who thinks we all suffer ADHD.  Or it is being run by Obama himself.  How else can yo explain this clutching at any loose screw and stalk of straw to try to get us to quit paying attention to what their Candidate's doing and has done.  They are trying to get us to go "Ooooh Shiny!!" and change the subject from anything which actually shows Obama in the light of day.  With all his flaws and no photoshop.

Quite frankly, after Benghazi being blamed on a movie and now the campaign trotting out Big Bird, I feel as if I am being insulted and having my intelligence assaulted.  I feel that the video below says it all best.

I don't know, according to the Obama Administration, I'm too stupid to even feed myself and should be wearing adult diapers.  what say you?

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