Monday, November 5, 2012

Exercise your rights - GO VOTE

In this election you have to opportunity to help determine who will lead our country for the next four years.  Your vote DOES matter.  With individuals and groups attempting to perpetrate fraud through the voting process, you vote does indeed matter.  Your vote cancels out a fraudulent vote.  Your neighbors vote cancels out a fraudulent vote.  Everyone who actually physically exists and is legally able to vote, their vote cancels out fraud and helps to determine who will lead out country out of this time of trouble.

I won't ask or implore you to vote for one candidate or another.  That is not my place.  I will ask you to seriously look at the issues that face our country and to choose the best candidate, that you feel will address those issues.

Don't vote for a candidate because some special interest group says you should.  You make your own determination.  You decide who deserves your vote.

Don't feel disgusted and sit at home and not do anything.  If you are sick of the way this country is going get out and go vote.  By not voting your are tacitly endorsing the continuation of policies you don't like.

Don't let apathy rule the day.


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