Sunday, November 4, 2012

How about we cap Soro's earnings?

He is so fired up to cut military benefits, why don't we cap his ability to make money, at the same rate as he wants to cut the benefits of the military?  And we also cap the union pensions the same as well.  Oh, Oh and lets cap the benefits of school, college and university teachers and profesors too.

"A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it."

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