Thursday, January 17, 2013



In the democrap world—Kerry's resume below—all true—should give him a shoe in



 From a man who speaks the truth about John Kerry.
I had a dream last night.
There sat the dog faced John Kerry before the Senate confirmation hearings for his appointment to Secretary of State. After the Chair had praised his vast "Diplomatic Experience"... Followed by praise for his integrity, honorable service, etc. He finally turns the hearing over to the rest of the panel for questioning... and here is where my dream turned to fantasy... For in my dream... the first Republican Senator to ask a question starts like this....
Senator... you life story is a long and storied one...well known throughout the world... and the Chair has praised your integrity and diplomatic experience... I'd like to start by asking you to once again describe your famous Christmas Eve, secret mission into Cambodia... Which I find most interesting since you weren't even in SE Asia during the Christmas time of year? Then I would like to ask... is consorting with our nations enemies part of your "Diplomatic Experience"... Like North Vietnam while we were at war? The Sandinista's while we were engaged in conflict in Central America? The butcher Assad and Saddam Hussein in the Middle East... and the Russians and Chinese when we were engaged in the Cold War?
And would you explain to us how you recruited your fellow "Winter Soldiers" to come and testify before Congress about atrocities committed by our American Soldiers and Marines... when most of the so called witnesses you recruited... were never even in the military or had ever gone to Vietnam? Remind us of your eye witness accounts of our Vietnam Veterans as being as ruthless as the hordes of Gangues Khan? Tell us when and where you observed that first hand Senator Kerry?
And  then I'd like to know why your citations for your Silver Stars were signed by a Secretary of the Navy... years and years after the war was over? And also, is it true as charged by eye witnesses... Your Purple Hearts were as a result of your own incompetence? Friendly fire by your own hand? These are just some of the questions I have... and should be answered before your confirmation.
And in my dream... I was cheerleading the line of questioning and thinking subconsciously... "Ask why he couldn't pass the Bar Exam... if he is so brilliant"? "Ask him why he parked his boat in Rhode Island... Was it to avoid taxes on it in his home state"? "Ask him how he has accumulated  such grand wealth on the salary of a Senator"? "Is it true that your wealth was derived by marrying homely, if not downright ugly... rich heiresses and widows"? "And ask him why the men who served with him in Vietnam... universally hate his guts... along with 99.9% of all Vietnam Veterans"? "Ask him if it is true that of all the men and women in the U.S. Senate... he is known to be the most egotistical of them all... only his good buddy, John McCain comes close. A man who also married well... Birds of a feather"?
And then... I woke up!  Ain't gonna happen... Politicians are gutless!
But I have to ask myself? Is this the face America wants to present to the rest of the world? A man  who has made a career of lies, falsehoods and deceit? I can think of no human being... who symbolizes the term; "Ugly American" more than John Kerry.  A liar, a phony, arrogant, piece of human dog poop if there ever was one!
Is this a man we should be proud to be hailed as a "Great American"? Can any foreign leader ever trust a single word out of this man's mouth... when it is documented that he has lied to his own countrymen... time after time after time... Is this the best we have offer? In a perfect world... this man wouldn't even be considered for "Dog Catcher"... even though he did manage to capture two in his lifetime.
He is an insult... a mortal insult... to all who have served.
Phil "Hands" Handley
Colonel, USAF (Ret.)

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