Friday, January 18, 2013

Very Interesting Data Related to Gun Control-from the inbox

Don't know about the accuracy of the following, but sounds about right.

It appears to me we should join the current hysteria and suggest the
evidence shows that all registered Democrats should be confiscated.
We know who they are- ~ they're registered! ----

Why is it the progressive liberals that steal guns, who then go and kill
movie goers and children in school, have never been a conservative NRA member?

Ft Hood~~~ Registered Democrat ~Muslim

Columbine ~~~ Too young to vote both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat

Colorado Theater ~~~Registered Democrat staff worker on the Obama campaign Occupy Wall Street participant progressive liberal.

Connecticut  School Shooter- ~~~ Registered Democrat hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

INTERESTING, isn't it?

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