Saturday, February 9, 2013

Good point

"As a woman, who is also a prepper, did you ever stop to think about the handicap that your footwear might present in a survival situation?  It always brings to mind the old quote about women who are ballroom dancers: they do everything that men do, but they do it backwards and in high heels.

If I happen to be running away from a serial killer, I’m not gonna lie – I don’t want to do it backwards and in high heels.  I’d really prefer to be wearing a nice, comfy hiking boot or a pair of Nikes."

This advice doesn't just apply to the ladies.  In my gear I also have a pair of top sider lace up shoes, some people call them deck shoes, other say they are like converse lowtops, but however you call them, you really need to have an extra pair of durable footwear that will protect your feet. On long trips if I am driving I usually wear a pair of work boots or a pair of athletic shoes.  The last time I flew I was in a wheel chair, and even though my feet were swollen badly I still wore a pair of athletic shoes instead of my normal sandals.  Yup that's right, here around the house I usually wear a pair of sandals.  They are easy to put on or take off.  However they don't offer very much  protection for your toes and the side of your feet.  Also most people don't wear socks with their sandals, and socks can help protect your feet if worn with proper shoes.

And I'm pretty sure Brigid, Roberta, Tam, Breda, Farm Mom, Farm Girl, Sabra, Christina, Jennifer and Phlegmy all have some serious heels.  Just as I'm also sure they ALL have some serious comfortable boots and athletic shoes.  And if they were to be out and about, they'd have the appropriate footwear to cover for those unexpected Axe-Murdering Zombie killuuuuhhhhhh  Yeah even then I don't think they would need to run anywhere.  But they would have the proper footwear.

While typing that I had an image in my head of some killer attacker or what ever jumping out at ay of those ladies.

In my head I heard "DIE!!!"

"What?"     BAM-BAM....BAM. 


Yeah those ladies wouldn't be bothered by that at all.


  1. Stilettos can be weapons as well ;)

  2. I guess I still own some serious heels but I haven't worn them in years. After a certain age, you look at those things, think how your feet are going to be feeling in a few hours, and go, "No. I'm wearing flats."


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