Saturday, February 9, 2013

The silence from the left disgusts me

"Dr. LeRoy Carhart is one of America’s most notorious abortionists. He specializes in late-term abortion and, unless you actually know what’s involved in it, you cannot possibly imagine what a gruesome atrocity the bland phrase “late-term abortion” describes. Now, according to a report by Operation Rescue, a 29-year-old woman has died after Carhart performed such an atrocity at a Maryland clinic:"

This woman DIED!  And the left closes ranks around the Doctor just like they do their Messiah to protect him from the consequences of his actions.

I've stated several times here on my blog that I don't like abortion. 

But for the media and the people on the left, instead of demanding a shoddy Doctor be investigated and possibly disciplined, close ranks and refuse to even publicize the death of this particular doctor's latest victim.  I am sickened and disgusted.

There needs to be an investigation.  If this doctor is found negligent, he needs to be charged and prosecuted.

Not have his actions covered up and hidden down the memory hole.

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