Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coming soon to a retirement account near you

"Seems the Aussies have decided that that tax free retirement savings withdrawal setup (a Roth IRA like scheme) that was promised to responsible people who chose to save for retirement is now subject to a 15% tax.

Just like your Roth IRA here ins the US is promised to be tax free when you withdraw it after retirement, The Aussies retirement was supposed to free of taxes.

But the current government has changed their mind. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

The "Bank of Simmons looks more and more attractive. Why save or do anything when the government can choose to renege on it's promises? When they can decide to steal tax you money at whim?"

With people already removing their money from various retirement accounts just to pay thier bills, I bet soon we will hear from the lips of Teleprompter Messiah, "We need those people to pay 'their share' to the rest of us"

Any bets?

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