Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Things you might not know

I don't use smokeless tobacco, but I have friends who do, and I ask them to save their cans for me.  I clean them out and they are very useful.  I have used the "Dip" cans to put together small fishing kits that can fit in a back pocket, fire starting kits and now I know that a Copenhagen can will hold 55 rounds of .22LR or 66 rounds of .22 Short and a Grizzly can will hold 60 rounds of .22 LR or 73 rounds of .22 Short.  A Skoal Can will hold 59 rounds of .22 LR or 66 rounds of .22 Short.  Note these are the metal lidded cans, not the plastic lidded cans.  For some reason the plastic lidded cans will only hold 52 rounds of .22 LR.  I think it's because the lid is convex on the underside and the metal cans are just flat.

A hacksaw blade can be cut and ground down so it will fit in a dip can and be barely big enough to use to clean a fish.  It's a pain to do so however and will result in lots of nicks and cuts on your fingers and knuckles.  A soda straw can be used hold your fishing line.  I usually keep about 60 feet of 20lb test threaded through a straw.  I use a hot glue gun to fix one end of the line to the straw.  Be careful you don't melt the straw.  But after attaching it to the straw, feed it through the straw and loop it back through until you have all the line in and through it, then roll the straw up and put it in a dip can.  A standard dip can will hold 1 straw of line, 6 squeeze on sinkers and 8 small and medium size hooks pushed into a cut down wine bottle cork so they don't rattle around and get tangled up.  With the small hacksaw blade you have a small emergency fishing kit.

Another dip can that has 3 large cotton balls liberally smeared with vaseline, wrapped in aluminum foil, with a small ferro striker and another cut down hacksaw blade, and you have a fire starting kit.

I've still got about 15 or so empty dip cans.  Any suggestions?

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