Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This is disturbing

"A legal fight over the government’s use of a secret surveillance tool has provided new insight into how the controversial tool works and the extent to which Verizon Wireless aided federal agents in using it to track a suspect.

Court documents in a case involving accused identity thief Daniel David Rigmaiden describe how the wireless provider reached out remotely to reprogram an air card the suspect was using in order to make it communicate with the government’s surveillance tool so that he could be located."

The .GOV is saying they didn't need a warrant to have Verizon surreptitiously reprogram the Defendants wireless aircard to ONLY connect to the FBI's wireless network.  And while the Defendants aircard was connected, the FBI forced any other aircard user to connect to their system.  Did they have a warrant for those innocent peoples information?

This is very disturbing.  Without a warrant the FBI forced a cell provider to reprogram someone's aircard, then the FBI forced him and other not under investigation to connect to their own network.

Like I said, VERY VERY Disturbing.

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