Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ENDO found the training vid that was shown to me -Knife on Gun

Police Officers Getting Owned By Knife Attacks In Training Video

That is the same video that was shown to me during my training way back in the early '90's.  It is also why my handgun training distance is 7 yards or 21 feet.  If I can put all of my rounds into a 10" pie pan at 21 feet, that is all I am concerned about.  And with my Taurus model 82 which I've carried since 1991 using 2 HKS Speedloaders, I can do just that.  Eighteen rounds into a 10" pie pan at 21 feet in under 18 seconds.  With my 1911A1 I am actually a little bit slower, around 24 seconds, as I don't normally carry it or practice with it as much.  Part of it is the higher ammunition cost, the other part is the difference between the long double action trigger pull on my Taurus versus the single action pull of the 1911A1.

So if you are ever confronted with a knife wielding assailant, disengage and get your weapon out.  Get distance between you and that blade.  You can not be proactive without committing murder, you can only REACT to their attack.  So get some distance and get your weapon on target.  Don't shoot until they try to move back in towards you.  And if you find yourself suddenly against a knife, don't try to draw your weapon.  Do everything you can to control their knife, put them on the ground then disengage and then draw your weapon.  Trying to draw your weapon while they charge at you is a distraction.  Control that knife.  Then get some distance and draw your own weapon.

Most of All, survive.  Even if you get slashed or stabbed, don't let it stop you.  FIGHT!  Make it hard for the other guy.  I know of a St. Louis City Police Officer who got stabbed under his vest.  He didn't lay down and die.  He fought with that guy, took the knife away, and even while bleeding badly from his gut, still cuffed his assailant, then called for back up and an ambulance.  Afterwards it took him almost 8 months to get back on the street, but he WON.  He SURVIVED.  There have been cases of people who are wounded who just shut down and then die from a survivable wound.  The Mental Aspect, the willingness to fight to survive, will help keep you alive.

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