Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh, No, the Administration isn't hiding facts about the Boston Bombers

"BOMBSHELL: Saudi Arabia warned the United States IN WRITING about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012, and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011

• Saudis developed intelligence separately from Russia, which also warned the U.S. about the accused Boston bomber

• A letter to the Department of Homeland Security named Tsarnaev and three Pakistanis as potential jihadis worthy of U.S. investigation

• Red flags from Saudi Arabia included Tsarnaev's name and information about a planned explosive attack on a major U.S. city

• Saudi foreign minister, national security chief both met with Obama in the oval office in early 2013


For what it's worth, the Department of Homeland Security and the White House are denying this report.

Regardless, this is now out there. One wonders, what exactly, it would take at this point for our media to actually fall back in love with the once celebrated exercise of truth-gathering and shoe leather reporting. Yet again, this comes from the foreign press." 

Click that to go over to Ace's where JohnE has put it together with a further link for your edification.

I'm just wondering just how bad something has to blow up for the MSM to actually do their jobs?  Despite it looking bad for their Anointed One.

Is there a way to sue the media for Malpractice?

If there isn't there should be.

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