Monday, April 29, 2013

Gun Control Proponents seek Ballot Initiative

"OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -- After struggling to sway both state and federal lawmakers, proponents of expanding background checks for gun sales are now exploring whether they will have more success by taking the issue directly to voters. 

While advocates generally prefer that new gun laws be passed through the legislative process, especially at the national level, they are also concerned about how much sway the National Rifle Association has with lawmakers.
Washington Rep. Jamie Pedersen, a Democrat who had sponsored unsuccessful legislation on background checks at the state level, said a winning ballot initiative would make a statement with broad implications. 

"It's more powerful if the voters do it — as opposed to our doing it," Pedersen said. "And it would make it easier for the Legislature to do even more." 

Can the Pro Second Amendment Groups come up with a counter ballot initiative that will protect and possibly expand the protection of our rights under the Constitution? 

With the Leftists proclivity for voter fraud I think that Pro-2A proponents would need to get out and have a counter initiative with even more signatures.  And knowing how the media muddies issues they need to make sure the initiative is clearly worded with no possibility for confusion as to what it says or does.

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