Sunday, April 14, 2013

My take on Illegal Immigration

I don't have charts or empirical data, I just have 10 years of experience in Law Enforcement/Security in St. Louis to back up what I'm about to say.

Illegal Immigration is rape.

It is the rape of the United States Economy by people who want to come here to earn money without fear of being killed or beaten in their home countries, but instead of putting the money that they don't pay taxes on for the most part, back into the economy of the US they send most of it back to their home country.  They aren't helping our economy, they're RAPING it.

Plus many illegal immigrants not all but many are also used as drug mules, bringing death on their backs into this country.  They don't care about the violence and death that stuff they carry causes.  They just want the money and the chance to work TAX FREE in this country.  Taking advantage of our charity, taking up resources, and not paying back into the system.

Many commit crimes, many times heinous crimes of Rape and Murder.  And what does the .GOV do?  Deport them.  Or give them Probation.  They don't punish them for the criminal acts they have done, and the Illegals are emboldened by this.

As far as I am concerned there can be no true immigration reform until ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are removed from this country and our borders are secured.  After that we can setup means fro people to enter this country LEGALLY.

Probably right now there are some people who will read this and they are just itching to leave a nasty comment and call me a bunch of names such as Racist, Bigoted and just going down hill from there.

I worked in the St. Louis City and County Housing Authority Projects for 10 years.  TEN YEARS.  I've seen things you cannot possibly imagine unless you have done the same thing.

So before you click that little comment button remember this.  I've seen things you have not, could not, believe nor understand.  Until such time as you have seen what I have seen, you have no basis for comparison, nor any right to judge me or what I am saying.

And for those who are going to pick apart my grammar, punctuation or what not.  Get a Life.

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