Monday, April 15, 2013

Put it all together it is very disturbing

"Even if the 1.6 billion rounds is a 5 year purchasing deal to secure a low price, as claimed by DHS, it's enough ammo to last them about 200 years at normal training and duty carry levels.  What was the analogy about Iraq and Afghanistan?  Enough ammo to last 20 years there?

One of the other comments I read "somewhere" mentioned the murders of the Vietnamese leaders by the Communists in Hue City, Viet Nam.  The Communists knew who they were looking for and knew where they lived.  They went in at night and arrested them, then murdered them.  Same thing happened during the years when Hitler was consolidating his power in Germany and again throughout the Soviet Union when the Communists wanted to secure their power there.  They knew who they wanted, they knew where they were, they just went and got them when the time was right.  It happens during every government takeover.  Prevents (or minimizes) an uprising and possible revolution, ya know..."

Click that link seriously.  When it is all put together in one place, it IS extremely disturbing.

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