Thursday, April 11, 2013

NY Gun Confiscation for Mental Health part Duex

"In a surprising turnaround, New York State Police have admitted that they made a mistake when they confiscated the guns and suspended the permit of an Erie County resident on the grounds of mental health.

Late Wednesday, Erie County, NY, released a statement (posted below) blaming the New York State Police for giving them bad information regarding the suspension of a pistol permit and demand to surrender firearms sent to Amherst resident David Lewis."

I first posted on this in THIS post.

So the Police screwed up, and pass the blame to the New York State Police.  Who gave the NY State Police the information?  All they are saying is that they made a "mistake" and gave out the wrong name.  Uhhmmm, there is something not quite right here.  Mr. Lewis was taking anti-anxiety medications in the past, that was the supposed reason for the Police to take his firearms.  If it was a mistake, how would the police know of Mr. Lewis' medication use?  Who told them?

I hope Mr. Lewis and his attorney have a field day with discovery on their lawsuit.  Because someone, somewhere divulged private health information to the State.  And THAT is a crime under the current laws.

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