Thursday, April 11, 2013

Obama Owns it if NORKs Launch Nuke at ANYONE

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. intelligence report concludes that North Korea has advanced its nuclear knowhow to the point that it could arm a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead, a jarring revelation in the midst of bellicose threats from the unpredictable communist regime.

President Barack Obama urged calm, calling on Pyongyang to end its saber-rattling while sternly warning that he would "take all necessary steps" to protect American citizens."

If the North Koreans launch a nuke a anyone, it is the fault of Obama, Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta.

Their FAILURE to do their jobs over their back room deals and back scratching will be truth they and their lapdogs in the media will do their best to bury down the memory hole in Hillary's search for the White House in 2016.

So if the NORKs launch, be sure you tell everyone where the true blame lays.

In the Whitehouse, the State Department and the Department of Defense.

It's not the fault of bad intel from the CIA or the NSA, all of the blame lays at the feet of Barack H. Obama, Hillary R. Clinton and Leon E. Panetta.

Let's see them try to blame this on Bush or the Republicans

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