Wednesday, May 22, 2013

HD TV - This is going to sound weird

I'm sitting here with my hip screaming at me from a fall earlier today, and I remembered I was over at a friends the other day and they have a HD TV.  they were watching the Blues Brothers 2000.  And on their HD TV it looked so fake to me.  Does that make sense?  Making the TV look so lifelike you can see the makeup on the actors, you can see the little imperfections in their skin.  Do I really want to see THAT?

I'm going to read a bit then I'm going to bed.  Another Dr appt in the morning.


  1. Yep, no more 'hiding' those imperfections... Hope the dr. visit goes okay!

  2. General checkup and I bruised my hip. He said if I had fallen a little more to the side I might have broken it, but it's just bruised. Thank you for the well wishes good sir.


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