Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Oklahoma they have limited cell service

almost no land line phone service.  No internet.  Very limited comms at all.  I have heard from 3 other HAMs that several ARES groups are moving portable repeaters into the area to help with the emergency responders communications.  I don't have my big antenna up so I don't know if SATERN is up, but I do know that many volunteer organizations are either there on the ground now or are on their way there now.

If something like this happened in your area, with no TV, radio, cell phones or land line phones, how will you know what is going on?  How would you be able to contact help if you need it?

Seriously you need to have some means of back up communications and news.

I have several battery operated radios with crank chargers built into them and several Baygen Clockwork Radios.  I also have several sets of NiCad AA batteries with small solar battery chargers.  I also have a small portable generator.

I have a HAM radio license and several 2m HT radios in addition to  mobile units for my vehicles and CB Radios mounted, portable and base stations.

With some FRS/GMRS handheld radios, I have the ability to keep my family in contact with each other and other people similarly equipped.

You should note that I don't rely on one type over another.  I have multiple ways of communicating, getting news and of obtaining power. 

What do you have?

And if something like this were to happen to you or your family, would they have the means to communicate with rescuers?  Would they have the knowledge to use these tools?


  1. Got the CB and the FRS, need to get back into the Ham stuff.

  2. So far the most reliable form of communication in and out of the hardest hit areas seems to be texting which puts the kids one up on us older folks.

  3. I use texting all the time. I actually prefer it to a phone call unless it takes more than 3 texts. A friend of mine in the area said that even text messages are not getting through all the time, he and his family keep getting the network busy message. And they are in Oklahoma City, which wasn't as badly affected. So I don't know if it is the network being overloaded or the network is damaged that far away.


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