Thursday, May 2, 2013

I hate my cell phone

I've been missing calls and text messages, I have people yelling at me saying they sent me a text or called me and left voice mails.  I show them my phones logs they don't believe me.  So my daughter sent me a text message, 45 minutes later I still hadn't gotten it.  Sooooo While my phone was on I pulled the back off and then pulled the battery.  This is called a reset.  The phone doesn't have time to save settings or anything like that before it lost power, so when it I put the battery back in and turn it on the phone has to reload from the base memory not the saved image.  And after reinitializing my inbox I suddenly had text messages.  First I got 43 of them.  Some of them going back to my trip to St. Louis almost 2 weeks ago.  I emptied my inbox thinking I was done.  WRONG!!!!  I then got an additional 73 new messages and 6 voice mails.

So 116 messages I DIDN'T receive like I was supposed to because my phone is being stupid.  I think I'm going to be looking to buy a new phone.  Time to put it into the budget for next month.

And if you want to know it is a Samsung Gravity 3 on the T-mobile Network.

And I just noticed that the time on my phone is wrong.  I took that pic around 5:40 pm after my phone was having it's spazz attack, and it says 8:01 AM  Hmm time to dig back into my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy...I have a Samsung something from T-Mobile and have issues with texting. Some go through, others fail. Location, time, far have not found a pattern. I have to turn on 'airplane mode', turn it back off again and then go to the failed text and re-send.

    So far T-Mobile has been no help other than to restore to factory settings (which means I lose everything). I found the 'fix' online myself.

    Can't wait to replace this one!


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