Thursday, May 2, 2013


"Depending on whom you ask, the enormous monument carved into Georgia's Stone Mountain is either a proud statement or a blight and an embarrassment.

Depicting the only president of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis, riding beside Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, it's two football fields wide, making it the largest of its kind"

Photo Property of Fox Photos/Getty Images

I mean really.  That ,monument is "HISTORY"  and you want to destroy it?  To me it helps show our fractured history.  It highlight the shame of slavery to me.  When I see that I want to know more about those men, why they are on that rock face.

To this idiot it is "shameful" are you serious?  as a previous post I explained about overgrown children.  Well here is another one.  With faux outrage and somebody needs to do something.

Well sir, if you destroy your history, how will you ever learn NOT to repeat it?

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