Thursday, May 2, 2013


No Money for Diapers?

I'm on disability. I smoke too unfortunately.  But all of my bills are paid on time every month.  My kids get their needs and some of their wants taken care of all the time.  If my kids need something, "I" go without.  I just purchased a new to me pistol.  It took 3 months of setting aside money every month to be able to afford it.  And yet I still paid for my daughters college application fee, bought her cap and gown for graduation, bought valve oil for her brothers trumpet, helped my oldest daughter pay her car note after her hours were cut, fed all the dogs, cats and kids.  Even when my kids were in diapers and before I broke my back, all their NEEDS were taken care of before I got any of my wants.

Our country is in trouble.  We have raised at least 2 and possibly 3 generations currently of over grown children.  Children who have no idea of personal responsibility and delayed gratification.  They want it now, they need it now and they want it now.  Nevermind the fact that they can't afford it and don't need it.  However, according to them they are "Entitled" to it.  How?  I used to work 60-90 hours a week, sometimes at 3 different jobs, every week for over 6 years.  What have you done?  Gotten a girl/woman pregnant or had a kid by someone you aren't married to, and you expect others to pay for your decisions and actions.

I know of a young man who tried to ask my daughter out multiple times.  He is 23 years old, dropped out of school when he was 16 has never had a real job for longer than than 2 or 3 months.  He does odd jobs for cash under the table and has 3 children by 3 different women.  He is now trying to apply for disability.  According to him he can't work because of stress.  He can't provide for the kids he already has because he can't work.  All 3 of his children receive medicaid and food stamps, and all three mothers receive social security payments, TANF (Welfare) housing assistance (Section 8/HUD) and other assistance.  All three of his "baby mommas" are also high school dropouts and are applying for more benefits.

According to them, they "Deserve" those benefits.  Like the young lady referenced above, they have money for tattoos , cigarettes and booze, but no money for kids clothes, rent, utilities or food.  And all 4 of them have almost brand new I-Phones.  And here I am with my inexpensive Samsung gravity, because I can't afford an I phone or a cool android phone.  Actually I COULD afford it, if I wanted to deny my kids needs and were selfish.  However my kids and their needs come first.

And that is why our country is in trouble.  Too many kids and not enough adults.

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