Saturday, May 4, 2013

My travel setup isn't

NRA meeting blogging from hotel on Twitpic

That pic is of what I call my "Travel Setup" but it isn't really.  I have days at home when my back is messed up where I have that setup on my lap or stomach and I try to blog that way.  That is my second large type keyboard.  I hope this one will work right longer than the other one did.  What I need to find is one of the old IBM Click Keyboards that were built to withstand a Nuclear Strike that has been modified for a USB plug.  This keyboard doesn't really have the tactile feel of my old one, but the old one finally succumbed to three years of abuse by my ham handed typing.

I've found with this new keyboard I have much more spelling errors because I think I've hit the key hard enough, but when I look at my screen I see missing letters or incorrect letters on the screen.  And I still have a problem with ' vs" my finger aren't getting off the shift key fast enough I guess.

So if you don't follow me on Twitter, you are missing out on some stuff.  I tweet a bunch of stuff that never makes it here to the blog.  MY Twitter ID is @txfellowship and I just changed up the name so it's easier to identify me, the name is GreyLocke/Mark.  So you can click on my twitter thingamajaobbie over there on the right to follow me on twitter.

I'm going to give my pain meds 20 more minutes to work before I grab the flask of Clan MacGregor.  Right now my back is somewhat ok, it's my knee that is torturing me.  So good night folks, if you are at the NRA Convention in Houston, I will be wearing a Black Kilt tomorrow (Saturday)  the first person who finds me that hasn't been forewarned will get one of my Blog's buttons.  A pic of which I already tweeted.

See ya tomorrow.

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