Saturday, May 4, 2013

This terrifies me

"Twenty-nine percent of registered voters think that an armed revolution might be necessary in the next few years in order to protect liberties, according to a Public Mind poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

The poll, which surveyed 863 registered voters and had a margin of error of +/-3.4, focused on both gun control and the possibility of a need for an armed revolution in the United States to protect liberty."

The fact that it has come this far, due to Governmental Over Reach, and other concomitant factors such as the economy, and the militarization of local, state and federal law enforcement, is due entirely to the politicians in Washington D.C.

The .GOV is going out of it's way to paint ordinary American citizens, who are concerned for all of our rights, as terrorists.  And the .GOV is succeeding in turning such people into what the .GOV claims them to be.  these people aren't radicalized.  The .GOV by constantly changing the definitions and restricting our rights has brought about these issues. By ignoring the rights of some citizens in favor of others who may or may not be citizens.

Many Americans are beyond upset, as that poll shows.

.Gov will respond to this by trying to further restrict everyone's rights, further disillusioning people creating more and more dissatifaction.

Do you see the cycle?

It has now become a self fulfilling prophecy.

And my children and their birthright may end up in the crossfire.

Thatis what truly terrifies me.

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