Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stealing an Election - Voter Fraud

"Vote fraud is no big deal, right? It hardly ever happens. It’s so rare that it’s not even worth discussing. Anyone who claims to take the integrity of our ballots seriously is cynically exploiting phantom fears for the purpose of suppressing the Democrat-loving minority vote.

To keep that silly narrative alive, it’s important not to read the Sunday edition of the Columbus Dispatch, in which readers were informed that “more than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote.”

There is no voter fraud according to the Democrats.  Of course there isn't as long as it is their supporters doing it.  That is their plan, keep stealing elections and putting more and more people on the public dole until such time as there only IS the Democrat party.

That is their goal, to have a ONE party system, the Democrat Party.

The rest of us will just have to excuse the tire marks on our backs and the footprints all over our Rights.

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