Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Starship Hyperion is now Boarding Passengers

If you are interested in our fine starship, we have a mini doc forum link where you can view her entire construction from start to finish.

Now Boarding First class.

Here are some pictures of the Hyperion taken during her construction that you may find interesting.  Please click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.

Here you can see one of the many parks on the Hyperion, these parks help produce oxygen in addition to the standard Algae Farm.

Here you can see our multi level atrium and shopping mall.

The Hyperion's beach has round the clock sunlight through our own emitters.

Here you can see the main shuttle bay at the bow of the ship.

The shuttle bay can house One Garuda Class Luxury Shuttle or 4 Kyla Class Rescue Shuttles

Here you can see our 6 Main Engines  being run up during her Acceptance Trials.

Now as our personal pod prepares to dock with the Hyperion, please be sure to return your seatback and tray table to the upright and locked positions.  If you look at the over head monitors you will see us approaching the forward docking cradle.

Please be sure you are now belted in to your seat.  If you would like to review the complete builder files they are available on your stateroom's holodesk at the following link:  The Hyperion Builder's Files

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