Friday, June 28, 2013

Paula Deen and a possible conspiracy theory

Paula Deen said the N word 30 years ago.  And now she is being fired and dropped by all of the various companies she had contracts with.

It's all happening a little too quickly to just be random in my opinion.

Is it possible Ms. Deen has been targeted and held out as an example to stiffen the backs of President Obama's flagging poll numbers?

"Look we routed another white racist out and are punishing her"  or "Look support me or this will happen to you"

Or possibly a little bit of both.

Like I said over 10 companies have dropped her over something that happened 30 years ago.

30 years ago the democrats were ALL racist Jim Crows, but they aren't being held responsible for it now. 

So something here stinks to me.  This is all too directed and happening too fast for it to be pure chance.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, something here doesn't make sense. I mean, please, even a RAPIST can't be charged for his crime 26 years later... This is a joke, a very bad joke.


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