Friday, June 28, 2013

This lady is an Idiot UPDATED - MAJOR UPDATE!! at bottom of post

See bottom of post for latest update.  All New Updates at bottom of post

"My hands are shaking; my adrenaline is surging.

No, it’s not from the latte I just inhaled or because this is the first time in two years I’ve been in a Starbucks since declaring a boycott on its open-carry gun policy.

What’s got me jittery this morning is the 9mm Glock that’s holstered on my hip. Me, lead gun policy protester at the 2010 Starbuck’s shareholder meeting. Me, a board member of the Brady Campaign. Me, the author of a book about the impact of gun violence, Beyond the Bullet."

My Comment on the story is below.  Let's see if they approve it.

Mark says:
June 17, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Ms. Yewman,

I am going to be impolite, so I ask your forgiveness beforehand.

You are an Idiot.

You do not purchase an implement that has the ability to cause severe bodily harm or death without getting at least minimal training. To do so is stupid, selfish and highly irresponsible. Can you just buy a firearm and carry it on your hip in an open carry state? Yes. Should you? No. If you don’t know what you are doing do not do it. your first writing on this is a bright example of that reasoning.

You don’t know a thing about firearms and yet you are willing to go out and about carrying one on your person. For that you are both an idiot and a fool.

And I hope you are aware that you can be held both civilly and criminally liable if you have a AD/ND or someone manages to take your firearm away from you and uses it in a criminal act. You are liable in addition to them.

Please if you are going to carry a firearm, get proper training. And please get a better holster that emphasizes proper weapons retention if you intend on carrying.

We shall see if they #1 approve my comment and #2see if what I wrote makes any difference in her next article.

And as of 6 hours after I posted that it STILL has not been approved by a moderator.  I think that when the posting starting getting multiple comments about how the writer of the article (Ms. Yewman) is being an idiot the just started circular filing comments unless they are in line with the beliefs of Ms. Magazine and Ms. Yewman.

It's now TWELVE HOURS and my comment STILL hasn't been approved.  It makes me think that maybe Ms.Magazine doesn't like it when knowledgeable people call out one of their writers for  stupidity and idiocy.

I think it's time to contact the editor to ask why differing opinions are not being published.

If you are interested in contacting them yourself here is the e-mail address of of the Senior Editor Michele Kort:

The content of my e-mail to Ms. Kort;

Ms. Kort

Is there any particular reason why comments are not being approved on
Ms. Yewman's article?

I know many people who have written comments that have not been
approved as of the time of this e-mail.  I am including my comment
below so you may see that I was in anyway being derogatory or
confrontational, however after 12 hours since I wrote it, it still has
not been approved.

"Mark says:

June 17, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Ms. Yewman,

I am going to be impolite, so I ask your forgiveness beforehand.

You are an Idiot.

You do not purchase an implement that has the ability to cause severe
bodily harm or death without getting at least minimal training. To do
so is stupid, selfish and highly irresponsible. Can you just buy a
firearm and carry it on your hip in an open carry state? Yes. Should
you? No. If you don’t know what you are doing do not do it. your first
writing on this is a bright example of that reasoning.

You don’t know a thing about firearms and yet you are willing to go
out and about carrying one on your person. For that you are both an
idiot and a fool.

And I hope you are aware that you can be held both civilly and
criminally liable if you have a AD/ND or someone manages to take your
firearm away from you and uses it in a criminal act. You are liable in
addition to them.

Please if you are going to carry a firearm, get proper training. And
please get a better holster that emphasizes proper weapons retention
if you intend on carrying."

I await your answer which will be posted on my blog as an addition to
the post I have written on this subject.  And the title of my posting
is an accurate assessment of Ms. Yewman's current actions as the
relate to firearms and firearms safety.

I await your reply.

Mark Anderson

Well it's 7:30 pm CDT Tuesday June 18th.

I am still waiting for Michele Kort from Ms. Magazine to return my e-mail about why dozens of comment on the original story haven't been published, and are still in "Moderation" I sent the e-mail at 3:03 am this morning. So that she has had more than than 27 hours to approve the comment I had left and it still hasn't been approved, and my e-mail hasn't been replied to when I specifically asked for a reply and gave them a link to my blog posting.

And here is a new link About Ms. Yewman's posting.

Ms. Magazine‘s ‘My Month with a Gun’ Story Shooting Blanks?

So what is it Ms. Yewman and Ms. Kort? 

Update as of 6/19/2013 @2:16 PM CDT

I have not as yet received a reply to my first e-mail to Ms. Kort.  So I sent a Second.  The text of which is below.

Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
As per my previous e-mail of June 18th at 3:03 am. I see that my
comment still has not been approved for publication I see that one
further comment has been approved, however I know of at least 12 other
comments not including my own that have not been published as of 2:00
pm CDT. So it has been over 34 hours since my previous e-mail to you
about this and almost 48 hours since my original posting.

I have a few questions for you as the Senior Editor of Ms. Magazine.

When will my and others', comments be approved for publishing?

What are the criteria you are using for approving or denying the
publication of comments?

Who is/are the person/s responsible for the moderation of comments for
this article?

Who directed/conceived the basis or the content of the article by Ms. Yewman?

Is Ms. Yewman a Staff writer or a Stringer?

I am enclosing the text of my previous e-mail to you for your
information just in case my previous message was inadvertently deleted
or over looked.

"Ms. Kort

Is there any particular reason why comments are not being approved on
Ms. Yewman's article?

I know many people who have written comments that have not been
approved as of the time of this e-mail. I am including my comment
below so you may see that I was in anyway being derogatory or
confrontational, however after 12 hours since I wrote it, it still has
not been approved.

"Mark says:

June 17, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Ms. Yewman,

I am going to be impolite, so I ask your forgiveness beforehand.

You are an Idiot.

You do not purchase an implement that has the ability to cause severe
bodily harm or death without getting at least minimal training. To do
so is stupid, selfish and highly irresponsible. Can you just buy a
firearm and carry it on your hip in an open carry state? Yes. Should
you? No. If you don’t know what you are doing do not do it. your first
writing on this is a bright example of that reasoning.

You don’t know a thing about firearms and yet you are willing to go
out and about carrying one on your person. For that you are both an
idiot and a fool.

And I hope you are aware that you can be held both civilly and
criminally liable if you have a AD/ND or someone manages to take your
firearm away from you and uses it in a criminal act. You are liable in
addition to them.

Please if you are going to carry a firearm, get proper training. And
please get a better holster that emphasizes proper weapons retention
if you intend on carrying."

I await your answer which will be posted on my blog as an addition to
the post I have written on this subject. And the title of my posting
is an accurate assessment of Ms. Yewman's current actions as the
relate to firearms and firearms safety.

I await your reply.

Mark Anderson"

I will be updating my posting about this situation to reflect the lack
of clarity your non response is bringing to the discussion.

I await your reply

Mark Anderson

We'll see if if I get an answer to my e-mails, and the questions I ask.

UPDATE 6/20/2013 @8:41 am
I still have not received any reply from Ms. Kort.  I will be directing a few tweets to @msmagazine and Michele Kort the Senior Editor for Ms Magazine today.  If you have a Twitter account please send your own tweets to them to ask why the comments haven't been approved.

UPDATE 6/21/2013 @4:15 pm
Well 2 more comments have appeared, both of them somewhat "Approving" of Ms. Yewman's article.  My comment and dozens of others I know of still have NOT been published and Ms. Kort nor anyone else from MS. Magazine have not responded to my e-mails.  I guess I'll send another one and we'll see if I get a response this time.

New E-mail just sent text as follows.

"To: mkort
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
This is my third e-mail message to you requesting a response as to why
the comments on Ms. Yewman's article have not been approved or
selectively approved. To date I have still not received any response
from you or any other representative of your magazine.

Please be aware that all of my messages to you are being documented on
my blog in the posting at the following link.

I really would like to hear your reasoning for the delaying of comment
approval or the denying of approval for the comments. I personally
know of over a dozens comments that were submitted but not approved as
of yet. And I would like to know the reason behind it.

Mark Anderson"

UPDATE 6/21/2013 @6:20 pm

Well they got my link off of twitter nd looked at my page today to match the look they gave it 2 days ago. Want proof?

Here is a screen shot of them looking at my page Wednesday the 19th.

And here is them looking at my page today.

When are you going to answer my e-mails?  Or approve ALL of the comment on Ms. Yewman's article?

Here this might be you as well, you spent an awful long time on my blog.

While checking to see if i could find some contact info for Ms. Yewman I came upon her website where she offers her books for sale with a e-mail for contacting her.

I have just sent her an e-mail the text of which is below:

Ms. Yewman are you aware the comments in response to your article in
Ms. Magazines website are not being published?

I have a full writeup of it on my blog posting in addition to
commentary about your choice to carry a firearm without proper
training or a safe holster.

I am rather strong in my post, however if you truly wish to be a safe
responsible firearms owner you will get proper training from a
certified instructor, ans you will hopefully get a better holster that
emphasizes proper weapon retention.

Once again, you may find my choice of language rather strong, however
it is to emphasize the need for proper training.

I await your reply

Mark Anderson"
We will see if Someone, Anyone answers their e-mail.

And they're Baaaaack

And they check out my page AGAIN.  When are you people going to either POST the comments or answer my e-mail?  I can keep up the twitter mentions and posting the log screen shots as long as I want.

So what is it going to be?

UPDATE 6/24/2013 @5:00 PM

"To: heidi , mkort ,
Instead of opening the debate you claim to want, you shut it down.

This shows great moral cowardice on your part.

Publish all of the comments redacting only those that use personally
identifiable information.

To do otherwise shows that your claim of wanting to examine and have a
discussion of the issue is farcical.

However that is they way many persons who believe that Citizens should
be disarmed and defenseless.

Shut down debate when the contrary opinion is presented.

You don't want to open debate.

You want to be patted on the back and told that your right and special
for doing something.

This is not a popularity contest.

Since you wish to restrict my and others rights, are voices need to be
heard as well.

Not just your cheering section.

I will update my post on this subject yet again.

And I STILL await your reply.

Mark Anderson"
It is my understanding that Ms.Yewman other two parts of her story are not going to be published.  I still want my comment and the other comments published.  Ms. Kort and Ms. Magazine are shutting down the debate and censoring those who dissent from their point of view.

Publish the comments Ms. Kort.

And I am still waiting for a reply to my several e-mails, not to two of your e-mail addresses and 1 to Ms. Yewman's available e-mail address.

I will keep this up until I get a proper reply.

UPDATE 6/26/2013 @6:27 PM

Well Ms. Kort and her Staffer have approved some more comments for Ms. Yewman's article.  However all of them are what you could say "Supportive" of their position.  A screen grab of my latest comment with the text of it afterward.

And the Text of it:

"Mark says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

And yet you still refuse to publish all of the comments here on this posting. You also refuse to answer e-mail messages asking for clarification. In my case multiple e-mail messages asking for that clarification.
You only publish comments that fit “your” needs, and refuse to publish comments that don’t fit that criteria and then you call those who are Pro Second Amendment as hypocrites or other demeaning terms.

You cannot have it both ways. If you truly wished to have an open and honest communication about the Second Amendment and firearms law in general you would not seek to restrict the free exchange of information by refusing to publish those who disagree with you.

It is the same a putting your hands over your ears and saying “Na Na Na I can’t hear you” and then turning around and claiming that no one offered any differing points of view to your own.

I still await an answer to my multiple e-mails to multiple e-mail address of you Ms. Kort and multiple E-mails to Ms. Yewman.

I will continue to update my posting on my blog showing how you refuse to answer and yet you are only approving those comments that fit your narrow criteria.

I await seeing this posting being published, but with your current track record I doubt it."

 And along the lines of my newest comment, I've had some new visitors to my little blog.  Screen shots below.

Hemmm, Ms. Magazine and Ms. Kort are in Los Angeles and Ms. Yewman is in Seattle.  Methinks they might be trying to get certain "Official" persons to try to either shut me up or keep me from attempting to contact Ms. Magazine, Ms. Kort or Ms. Yewman for comment any more.

If they would simply ANSWER the multiple e-mail I've sent requesting clarification as to when the redacted/unapproved comments will be published.  Or explain why those comments have either been deleted or not approved, and do so "On The Record" as in their response will be posted here.

And for all the idiots messing with my comments, read the rules for posting a comment.  Follow them and your comment will be posted.  Any profanity and it might not get approved.  Any personal attacks that are intentionally mean, will not get approved.  If you follow my comment guidelines your comment WILL be approved as soon as I get the notification e-mail.

UPDATE 6/28/2013 @8:55am

Text below:

"Mark says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Ms. Kort you still have not published either of my comments. Nor have you or Ms. Yewman returned any of the e-mails I have sent to the e-mail addresses you have publicly available on the net. I have been asking for a statement about this article and the comment section “On the record” and you have not as of yet deigned to show me the common courtesy to respond. If you in your capacity of media ask someone for a comment and that person does not respond I have seen instances where certain things are inferred.

I am not inferring anything as of yet, it’s still only over a week and half since I sent my first request for comment e-mail. This is my THIRD comment I will have made here, which will be screen shotted and posted on my blog with the screenshots from my visitor logs showing the visits to my blog by the City of Los Angeles and the City of Seattle. Those two visits quite possibly visits from the officaldom of both of those cities. As since my comment here on this posting have not been published, how else would they know about my blog, especially since there is no search data in my logs. The information could only have come from someone with Ms. Magazine and Ms. Yewman. I have been polite and courteous and it seems that you so badly want this situation to go away you and Ms. Yewman have attempted to enlist City officials in a possible attempt to shut me up.

To that I will only say, “Please, go ahead and try.” I’m quite sure I can get Ken at Popehat to take a look at the various screen shots of my logs, sent e-mails and my actual comments in my possession to put a quick stop to that and leave you and anyone you might choose to aim at me open to possible litigation.

All I ask is for a return e-mail explaining what the criteria you used for not publishing comments and the reasons you have not approved them.

And again, I await your reply."

SO I posted another comment on the article posted written by Ms. Yewman underneath a comment by the MS. Magazine Senior Editor Ms. Michele Kort.  Let's see if this one get approved, or if I finally get a response to my e-mails.

And you really know what I find interesting?  EVERYTIME I call out MS. Magazine and Ms. Michele Kort the Senior Editor for Ms. Magazine on twitter I get a hit from the folowing.

EVERYTIME Without fail.


  1. Obviously your comments don't fit their agenda... plain and simple...

  2. Then I'll just keep calling them out on Twitter until they either answer me or they put up all the comments.


Please moderate yourself and your language. No posting of links to businesses, if you have a business you wish to advertise send me an e-mail. Please do not hide links in a comment. Post any links in full.

If you do not have a full user profile, your comment may be reported as spam. Particularly if you post a link to a commercial site.


It doesn't take much to fill your profile and put in a picture.

Thank you for reading my blog.