Monday, July 8, 2013

Forced Sterilization of prisoners in Kalifornia

"Over the course of several years, two women's prisons in California signed at least 150 pregnant women up for permanent sterilization to be performed after they gave birth, without following the required state approval procedure."

If you look back at a few posts of mine, including THIS one where I challenge certain persons to prove their delusions.

No I'm not a conspiracy theorist, yes I have done my own research and no I won't tell you what it is.

Do it yourself, or you will think I'm a nut.  But if you do, do your own research you will find that adherents to certain belief strictures are the ones in positions of authority that with their beliefs, they shouldn't be.

Take that with Obama's current issuing of regulations without asking Congress, and you begin to see that there IS something going on.

So do your research, and NO I will NOT tell you where to direct it.

I told you before two of the things you need to search for.  I will tell you another, Sustainable Population.

If you do your own research, you will find what I am talking about.

This is not a short term plan.  The target date according to what I've found is late 21st century, early 22nd century.  Yes, I said almost a hundred years before the plan is supposed to be complete.  However it's what happens between then and now, which is very scary.

Possibly 2 more full scale world wars, at least 1, of which, look around and see the current signs.  2015 to 2022 according to things I've found.  Once again, look around.

Major Health Issue.  Forced sickness being bred in close places, tight with bodies and little medical care.  Think new Spanish Flu.

Reduced birthrate, below population sustainability levels.  Either forced or through inadequate nutrition, goes back up to the health issue.

World Elite.  I've found 4 references to this, however I'm not sure of the provenance as it's kind of hard to get library reference access to other countries without actually going there, and it's not on the internet.

All of these things ARE out there if you want to look for them.  It is like a scavenger hunt, one thing leads to the next, and in a few cases information has lead me back to something I had already discarded as not credible or too unbelievable.

So for those who think I'm just a big conspiracy nut, I ask you to do your own research.  I won't share mine with you to possibly taint your own searches.  But the plan starts back in the 1900's.  What lead up to the plan goes back to shortly after the civil war.

Once again, before you brand me a nut, do your own research.  Go ahead prove me wrong.  But you better bring facts and documentation with you when you do it.

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