Saturday, July 6, 2013

Found this through Ace

But read the post, then read the Comments.  I've been reading them for 40 minutes now and I'm still reading them.  Yes they are that enlightening.

Vox Day

I fianlly finished the comments after 2 hours and left my own:

GreyLocke July 06, 2013 3:27 AM  
After reading the main post and all of the comments all I can say is Wow.

Some people offer empirical and anecdotal evidence from real experience and get told off, others come in to troll and yet still other comes in with a high and mighty attitude but no real world experience or the inclination to anything other a brief perusal of Wikipedia or some other tripe.

VD has said from his point of view based upon his knowledge and experiences something that many don't like. Some here agree, others would rather spout slogans and disinformation.

I have written many times of one simple fact.

The truth is out there, just like it says in the X-files. However you have to be willing to root it out and not take the easy answers.

I am a father of 7 wonderful intelligent children. Four boys and three girls. I look at the world out there today and what is being taught in our schools and I am appalled. The lies and distortions that could easily be refuted if only the students were willing to put forth the effort to find out for themselves instead of relying on their Teachers/Professors/Instructors/Media/Politicians to spoon fed them pap which is a barely digested gruel that is designed to keep them from seeking out the real facts.

That is one of the major problems facing our children, too much supposition not enough facts.

So I will close with this Ms. AA and Ms. Sunny.

Expand your boundaries, look deeper into what you are told, find out for yourself what the facts and the truth are. Do Not rely on others to give you those facts, find them for yourselves. Challenge what you are being taught, demand the facts behind the conclusions and examine them for yourselves. For if you cannot examine the data for yourself, you can never be sure of it's accuracy or it's provenance.

In other words, THINK. Don't talk. ACT, don't spout. DO it, don't talk about it.

The true crime being perpetrated on you and all of the other children in the so called establishments of education is you are not being taught to THINK and make logical conclusions.

Please don't take this as an attack on your mental capacity, it is an attack on the institutions which haven't taught you how to think rationally, not on you personally."

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