Sunday, October 13, 2013

James Janos aka Jesse Ventura is a POS

bully.  That is my personal opinion so I can say it Mr. Janos if you have your lawyers come sniffing.

Ventura won’t release complete records

Be sure to read all the comments.

In short. "James Janos" aka Jesse Ventura was NOT a SEAL in a combat theater.  He WAS a UDT, who could have if he wanted to transferred to the SEAL Teams.  And despite how he represents himself his record show that he NEVER served in combat and was never on a Team.

After reading the whole spiel about his confrontation with Chris Kyle and the current aftermath, I have lost any and all respect I might have held for James Janos OR Jesse Ventura.

ETA:  I made sure to use tags and keyword so Janos' could find this.  It's my personal opinion, if you don't like it.  Go suck eggs.

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