Sunday, October 13, 2013

Time for McCain and Graham to go.

Senate Republican Leadership Sells Out Tea Party Republicans During Obama Meeting

"Last week, under pressure from Democrats and opinion polls that had him falling in favorability among the American public, a weakened Obama openly declared himself willing to do a short term debt ceiling agreement in order to continue further negotiations with Republicans.  This was a capitulation that was a direct result from the Tea Party members of Congress effectively winning the battle.

Apparently, that victory, and the Tea Party’s re-emerging influence in national politics, did not sit well with the Republican leadership.  A Congressional source indicated a verbal warning travelled throughout the capitol that “enough was enough” and that those who had been or continued to be, part of the ”defund and shutdown options would be punished.”

1 comment:

  1. John Cornyn is right up there with the rest of the leadrship- which is why I'll not be voting for him again.

    Funny that he's already campaigning for my vote on the radio.........


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