Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seattle is turning into it's own little Workers Paradise

"Seattle’s City Council voted unanimously Monday to use eminent domain to take private property. They say they must seize the private property, which is currently being used as a parking lot, in order to turn it into … a parking lot.
The desire of the Central Planners for control is once again permitted to outweigh the people’s need for government to make rational decisions that benefit taxpayers and citizens (Of course, the City of Seattle just banned using the term "Citizen"). In this case, a 103-year old lady’s property is slated to be taken “for the greater good.” Yet that “good” is really just the personal aspirations of city planners and officials"

So they have also turned into a Monkee's episode also.  You're going to seize a person property, which is already a parking lot, and turn into a "Parking Lot"  What is the justification?

And then the City of Seattle is going after someone for parking tickets that aren't even theirs.

"Dave’s dreams came to a screeching halt earlier this year, when he found out that the City of Seattle was attempting to collect over $8,000 in parking tickets from him.

“The City of Seattle is coming after me for $8,000 in parking ticket debt that I don’t owe,” he said."

Soo let's see.  Forcing a viable resource to shut down because someone who posted about it on Facebook has parking tickets.  Not the business itself, not even an employee of the business just someone who posted about it on a social media site.

And they wonder why they are losing businesses and thier taxes.

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