Thursday, November 14, 2013

Big Brother and the NSA - Streetlights that watch and Cell phone tracking while off

"They look like ordinary streetlights, shining down on Las Vegas sidewalks after the sun has set. But Sin City's new streetlights have a few special capabilities that have civil libertarians up in arms.

The city is installing Intellistreets, a brand of street lighting that is capable of recording video and audio of pedestrians and motorists. What happens in Vegas, it seems, no longer stays in Vegas."

So now you can legitimately say they are watching you, and be telling the truth.

"Tracking a cellphone is easy, especially for the National Security Agency. But can you track a cellphone that's been turned off?

It sounds impossible, but the NSA apparently has been able to track powered-down mobile phones since 2004, as reported by The Washington Post in July 2013.

The Post's mention of this ability was brief. It was buried within a longer narrative regarding the NSA's partnership with the U.S. military's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) to track and kill high-profile al-Qaida targets in Iraq:"

So even if you turn it off the phone can still be tracked somehow.  And there IS a rumor that they can track a cell phone that has eve had it's battery removed for up to 10-12 hours after the battery was removed.   Yup, Cell phone do use some capacitors in their makeup, and a capacitor holds a charge for awhile until it's been used up or dissipated.

Just more things which if you had talked about it previously, you were considered some conspiracy nut.

Good thing The media is FINALLY reporting on this stuff.

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