Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hysterical Historicals:  I read that in a book.  And it gave me an idea.

A bunch of somewhat historically grounded gun bloggers write short stories based in history that are hysterically funny.

The Blogger writing the story would be the protagonist of the story.  It must be of a historical event, however the blogger would write it as a secondary character and act, to the historical event.

They would tag the story as a "Hysterical Historicals"

And I would link them all in a post here and our readers would vote for the best "hysterical Historical"

The story must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 40 paragraphs and would ideally be read in less than 20 minutes.

What say you Bloggers?  Do you accept the challenge?

Some thoughts as to historical events;

Ben Franklin testing lightning with his kite.

Nicola Tesla testing his free energy transference machine

Alexander Graham Bell Testing his phone.

The building of the Intercontinental Railroad.

Teddy Roosevelt riding a bull moose across the lake.

The Wright Brothers and their magnificent flying machine.

The main thin being the writer/blogger is a secondary character to what is going on an the main protagonist of the story.

Is anyone up for the challenge?

If you are you have until the end of the month to write your story and e-mail me the link or post a comment here on this post with the link.

On the first of December I will write up a post linking all of the entrants.submissions and post it here.  If someone likes your story they must leave a comment here on the main post.  On the 10th of December all voting will be closed and the votes tallied.  The first place winner will get a Gold Star to put on their blog, the second place winner will get a Silver Star to place on their blog and the third place winner will get a Bronze Star to place on thier blog.

This is not limited to just Gun Bloggers.  If you have been writing a blog for at least a year, you too can enter a story for the voting.

Now the rules of the DO NOT's.  These are to be whimsical stories, stuff that kids could read.

So please no extreme violence, rough housing is ok, no I repeat NO sexual overtones.  But winning the kiss of a maiden or a cute boy if the writer is female is allowed.  And please no deaths.

Seriously please write a story that any child could read and enjoy.  And remember the tagline

Hysterical Historicals

On twitter you can use the hashtag #HystericalHistoricals to spread the word to others as well.


  1. The adult version has been done, and there a web-page full of them.
    Funny, but not for kids. He doesn't gloss over the death and sex that shaped history. Come to think about it, most "fairy tales" were what we would consider "adult" until somewhere around the industrial revolution.

  2. I'd prefer rated PG. Since I had no takers for this month, I'm trying to figure out if I want to try it again in 2 months or say the heck with it. :(

    I'm not asking people to write a novel or a novella, just a few paragraphs short story.

    I need to think about it some more.


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