Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How a Liberal Leftist became Conservitive

"Many, like his parents, he said, are “well-meaninged people” who will “speak with humanitarian tones,” but just believe “the ends justify the means.”

“When Lenin set out to transform, fundamentally transform Russia, he didn’t say he was going to kill 40 million people, create famines and concentration camps called gulags,” Horowitz remarked. “He said he was going to give them bread, land, and peace.”

Horowitz also warned that “you can’t understand what’s going on” in American politics today without realizing the history behind it – the world he was raised in."

Many who think that they mean well, and only see those opposed to them as road blocks to be run over or destroyed, willfully turn a blind eye to the evil they are truly supporting.

What needs to be done, is to shine the light into all the little nooks cranny's and fallacies of the Leftist Agenda, and bring the truth that is so irrefutable, even those who are so blind they cannot see right from wrong, will be forced to acknowledge their sins.

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