Sunday, December 29, 2013

The law is the law

"Instead, they enforce the law. Any law – all laws. As relentlessly, as remorselessly as their historical counterparts. They kick in doors and frog march people out of their homes at gunpoint (as in Boston) and elsewhere. They subject minor traffic scofflaws and even those who have scoffed no laws at all to repeated anal-digital (and vaginal digital) rape. They beat up – and murder – 13-year-olds. They summarily execute people’s pets (here and here). Always in the name of “doing their jobs.” And always without remorse."

Unthinking obediance and special rules for them has produced a new STASI, and new KGB.  And all of us are responsible for it.

In the name of Security, we have sacrificed our Freedoms.  So we deserve neither.

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