Tuesday, January 7, 2014

$2,000 for a $700,000 MRAP

Or at least that What Fort Pierce Police think.

"FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Police in Fort Pierce are now armed with a U.S. military surplus battle wagon: a six wheel, 30-ton armored vehicle worth $700,000 — that the agency got for $2,000.

“If you see my SWAT team roll up in this, it’s over, so just give up,” said Police Chief Sam Baldwin.

However Baldwin hopes the mine-resistant, ambush protection vehicle just stays parked. If used, it would be for transporting the SWAT team and for a mobile command and rescue vehicle."

Nothing is really for free when it comes from the hands of the government.  As several other departments are finding out after they get their newest toys, MRAP's are expensive to maintain and run.

Tires cost 3-5 times more than standard, fuel costs are increased as the MRAP's increased weight and engine size means less MPG's, and just idling the engine uses a LOT of fuel.

And we still don't know WHY a small town department feels they NEED something like a Bearcat or an MRAP.

I know of 3 departments in St. Louis that still use old Armored cars formerly used by armored car companies.  The LASD and LAPD as far as I know still have one each on their books for the same reason.  Cheap to operate and maintain, and they got them cheap from Brinks Armored Car Company.

They won't stop an IED or an RPG, but this is the U.S.of A. not a war zone. 

So why do all these departments feel the need to get all kitted up with Army toys, and dress up as soldiers?

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