Friday, March 21, 2014

A Rant I posted on Bookface

Yes all of those are perfectly legal Rifle's. Even the black scary looking one.

It is a Semi-Automatic rifle.

A "Assault" Rifle is a rifle that has the ability to fire fully automatically.

Fully Automatic means that you can pull the trigger and hold it back and it will continue to fire until you either release the trigger or the rifle runs out of ammunition.

The black rifle is a Semi-Automatic. Which means that after firing you have to release the trigger so it can reset, before you can pull the trigger again to fire it again.

And despite what the uninformed people and politicians say, the original AR-15 was designed and built as a CIVILIAN rifle. A rifle made specifically for me and you without any special permit or licenses.
The U.S. Air Force bought the rifle for their use for the Air Police adding the capability to fire on full automatic to it. then the U.S. Army Special Forces tried out the rifle in a little place you might have heard of called Vietnam.
They Special Forces liked the rifle and wanted more. Then Robert McNamera got involved.

Do you know who Robert McNamera is?

He was the Secretary of Defense under President's Kennedy and Johnson.

Democrat Presidents.

And soon the AR-15 became the XM-15 and then the M-16 and then the M-16-A1 of Vietnam fame.
So the Democrats took a Civilian rifle, and Militarized it.

And now Democrats and uninformed hysterical, illogical people want to ban what is basically the same civilian rifle that just has had some cosmetic features on it changed.

Do you see the logical disconnect here?

When the AR-15, which DESPITE what ignorant, uninformed people claim DOESN'T MEAN AUTOMATIC RIFLE, it means Armalite Rifle Model 15, was first sold to the public, it took an existing varmint hunting caliber the .222 Remington and slightly modified it to give higher velocity and a slightly heavier bullet, and put it in a light handy rifle using aircraft grade aluminum parts. It is a descendant of the Armalite Rifle Model 10 which was a full size rifle which was designed in the hopes to replace the existing M-14 Battle Rifles that had then were issued to our troops at the time.

Here read the first part of the M-16's wikipedia entry;

"The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is the United States military select-fire adaptation of the AR-15 rifle. The rifle was adapted for semi-automatic and full-automatic fire. Colt purchased the rights to the AR-15 from ArmaLite, and currently uses that designation only for semi-automatic versions of the rifle"
Get that?

It's not the bullet hose you see in the movies and tv shows that the Democrats and illogical gun-banners would have you believe.

Now let's give part of the description of the AR-15;

"The AR-15 was first built by ArmaLite as a small arms rifle for the United States armed forces. Because of financial problems, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 design to Colt. After modifications (most notably the relocation of the charging handle from under the carrying handle like the AR-10 to the rear of the receiver), the new redesigned rifle was subsequently adopted as the M16 rifle. Colt then started selling the semi-automatic version of the M16 rifle as the Colt AR-15 for civilian sales in 1963 and the term has been used to refer to semiautomatic-only versions of the rifle since then. Although the name "AR-15" remains a Colt registered trademark, variants of the firearm are independently made, modified and sold under various names by multiple manufacturers."

See when Colt start selling it to the General Public (Me and you)? 1963.

What is the year right now? 2014

That means the design for the AR-15 has been around for uhhhmmmmmm

carry the 3,



This rifle design has been around for over half a century and you people are screaming "Ohhh it's evil ban it, it's too dangerous!!"

Put your big girl panties on and shut up!

The AR-15 and rifles of it's type have been used in less than .007% of all the violent crimes committed in the US since it's inception.

Don't believe me?

Here is the link so you can look it up for yourself

So please anti-gunners, get properly educated and quit trying to impose your will upon me and others due to your own uncontrollable fears.

In fact I highly suggest you get some psychological and psychiatric help for your fears and projection complexes.

(All this came about because Erin got into it with an ignorant gun banner on another thread on Bookface which you can find here; )

1 comment:

  1. Now you've done it... Truth??? Nah, the left will NEVER accept this...


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