Saturday, March 22, 2014

The police can listen to all of your cell communications

Another reason to use a throwaway

My takeaway from the article is this, if the cops target the dope dealer or gang member 3 doors down, their device can't differentiate his/her cell phone from yours.

So your cell comms are being captured as well as theirs and also your neighbors, your neighbor's neighbors. And what are they doing with those intercepted comms?

Are they going through and checking your text messages and phone calls to see if maybe you are doing something that might be a chargeable offense?   Are they deleting information that doesn't relate directly to the target of their operation?

No One Knows.

And the Cops aren't talking, neither is the manufacturer.

So I have a VERY big problem with this.

If you aren't the target of the investigation, they are still gathering your cell comms.  And not only are they not letting you know they are/were doing it, you don't know if they went through all of your calls, texts, and web browsing though your cell.

So we need some answers.  And and I said.

The cops AIN'T talking.

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