Saturday, March 8, 2014

A truly epic no BS Rant on Race Relations

because of some language I am putting it below the fold .

AZRon says:
March 6, 2014 at 5:05 pm
Personally, I’ve given up because I understand that there is no win for the non-whiney.

Sired from a white guy that was born in 1912, it wasn’t unusual to hear the word “nigger” come out of my Detroit fathers mouth. That’s the word they used back then. It was neither rude nor polite…it was a descriptive word. Words have no agenda, they are used to communicate. It’s called “conversation”. It’s akin to calling a down syndrome child “retarded”. Retarded = slowed and/or delayed. Perfectly apt and innocent, yet subject to the same thought police that brought us political correctness.

My mother would have none of that “nigger” talk, so born in the 50′s, I used the approved word “negro”. Well, it didn’t take long before that term hit the fan. Afterwards it was black, then african-american, then “nigga”…I lost interest after I realized that I apparently owe millions of dollars to millions of blacks (sorry I meant negroes, oops I meant something with a hyphen it it) for something that ended 100 years before I was born. I can’t afford a brick of .22′s, let alone reparations!, Unlike many, my bills are paid with my EARNINGS! (I worked and I saved…maybe I’m the sucker after all, but until they take it, I got it)

M@therfuckers need to get over this bullsh!t. It’s a word for crying out loud. Weren’t we promised open and honest race discussions? Weren’t we promised the most transparent administration ever in 2008? When did mathematical statistics become racist? Oh, that’s right…when they don’t exonerate a favored minority. (apparently everybody is favored except white males; just ask Jesse, Al, our president, Eric, and Louis) If you really want to see the fur fly, ask a neighborhood negro about Asians, illegal aliens, white folks, republicans, or the TEA party. They even secretly hate their own (black) neighbors.

The only defense to bullsh!t is the truth.

Yet we have elected officials that want my last few guns because some gangbanger somewhere shot somebody up. (these are the same idiots that say mandatory minimum sentences for violent crimes are racist) We have an elected official that thinks Guam will tip over if we add a military base. The list is endless…and all I hear is that as a white heterosexual gun owner…everything is MY fault because racism is rampant. Maybe worse, there is a huge swath of idiots that would vote for Hillary in 2016, even if she’s dead!

Words roll off my back with nary a stain. If only our elected officials represented the republic instead of their own selfish interests and/or pander to their own race, we wouldn’t be facing the fu(king that we’ve been enduring for the last several years.


Hyphens are the devil. If you use one in your name, or your racial identity, YOU are an a$$hole. Political correctness NOT spoken here. (it’s the devils work)

I don’t give two shits what the color of your skin is , or whos genitals you admire. But, I don’t want to be forced to pay for their laziness, or be restrained while they dip there diddlys in my gullet.

If you want to know where this epic screed comes from please click on the following link:

White folks ain’t real thrilled either

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