Saturday, March 8, 2014

Respect and Acknowledgment

I have an opinion. Someone doesn't like my opinion and proffers their own. I tell them to E-S-A-D and then they get all butt hurt and scream I have to "RESPECT" their opinion.

No I don't have to respect their opinion. They have a RIGHT to have their opinion. I don't have to respect their opinion.

This entitled "You must respect my opinion and if your opinion doesn't agree with and support mine your a hater" garbage is just a bunch of over indulgent whiny crap from infantile minds.

EVERYONE has a RIGHT to their own opinion. However NOONE has a RIGHT to have their opinion RESPECTED. Acknowledged, yes, respected no.

And just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean others want to hear it.  And you have no guarantee of an audience to listen to your opinion either.

So get over yourself.

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