Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hmmm new gunstore and some other interesting things

A friend of mine just told me about a gunstore in Rochester, PA.  He said his hands itched with every firearm he handled.  He didn't purchase any new firearms but he did get a few other things.  So if you are in the area gives these guys a visit.

John Brown's Armory

Then another friend, actually group of friends, always use these next people for their home security  needs.   When I say a group, I mean over a dozen people.  Many of them Engineers or in the field in one way or the other.  So if they recommend these guys, that's good enough for me.


And finally a friend dropped a link to this forum about budget helping ideas/tips and tricks

Budget 101 Tips and Tricks

SO if you know of any unique links send me an e-mail or leave a comment.  If it looks interesting I"ll probably write up a post.

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