Friday, July 25, 2014

Some links

N.C. police officers accused of faking 911 calls to gain entry to private homes

73-year-old woman dies after savage Police dog attack
Why isn't this more in OUR news?

Conn. state trooper pleads guilty to theft from dying motorcyclist
Coupled with "no Knock Warrants" and the militarization of more and more police departments, is it any wonder why we trust the police less?

Riverside to pay family over pit bull shooting
Another case of cops behaving horribly. Like I said, they wonder why we don't trust them.

US: Russia is firing across border into Ukraine

MH17 victim’;s credit cards used after crash, says report

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate it when you go to open a web page and it has a video autoplay? There are about 9 stories I was GOING to post links to, but I HATE autoplay.

Arrest warrant issued for man with tuberculosis
I did one of my podcasts about a man who had TB being arrested for flying on a plane.

Right here is that show

Listen To Politics Internet Radio Stations with GreyLockeXTexas Fellowship on BlogTalkRadio

If the video doesn't load here is the link to that podcasts page;

Homeowners Association: Veteran Can’t Build Furniture For Military Families In Need

Green Group Under Scrutiny for Trespassing, Harassment at Woman’s Farm

Eleanor Holmes Norton says 'you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government

GOP Rank-and-File Discusses Ways to Take on Obama Over Amnesty, Including Impeachment

New IRS Form Proves Obama Lied About Individual Mandate Tax

The drug that’s forcing America’s most important – and uncomfortable – health-care debate

Watch Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Admit in 2012 That Subsidies Were Limited to State-Run Exchanges (Updated With Another Admission)

U.S. Considering Refugee Status for Hondurans

Police investigate hate crime at University of Arkansas
Once again, making everything a crime.

'Bucket full of heads any1 in aus want some organs please dont be shy to ask': Smirking Australian terrorist poses with decapitated heads in sickening pictures posted online

Video Shows ISIS Blowing Up Iraq's Tomb of Jonah

US and Islamic State: ‘We did see this coming’
And yet did nothing.

1 comment:

  1. The really sad part is that ALL of the stories we see today are negative... You really have to dig deep to find any positive stories... sad...


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