Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Police Misconduct - MURDER

"Treavor says he had confidently assumed that an autopsy would be performed; it was also required by Florida law. However, with no logical explanation being offered, the police hurriedly shipped his body off to a funeral home and asked for it to be cremated, CBS reported. This was not only against police protocol but also against the law, and was done behind the backs of the surviving family members. By sheer luck and coincidence, the funeral home did not get to the cremation in a timely fashion — the body was there for 7 days.

After the evidence was nearly destroyed, an autopsy was performed, yielding some remarkable results. Mr. Eimers was found to have ten (10) broken ribs, as well as wounds around both ribs, the Miami Herald reported. While no official explanations were offered on the cause of death, Monroe County Medical Examiner Dr. E. Scheuerman ruled out heart attack as a cause."

From the descriptions of the eye witnesses, it sounds like the Key West Florida Police Department killed a man and are/were trying to cover up the facts.

All the more reason that the Police need to be held to a HIGHER standard.  And they need to lose their "Qualified Immunity"

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