Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More on the NSA and their collection of information

"For more than a year, NSA officials have insisted that although Edward Snowden had access to reports about NSA surveillance, he didn't have access to the actual surveillance intercepts themselves. It turns out they were lying.1 In fact, he provided the Washington Post with a cache of 22,000 intercept reports containing 160,000 individual intercepts. The Post has spent months reviewing these files and estimates that 11 percent of the intercepted accounts belonged to NSA targets and the remaining 89 percent were "incidental" collections from bystanders."

Mike's main site can be NFSW but he has stuff like this.  And it just goes to show just how much of our lives have been dissected by the Government through the NSA.

And it needs to S-T-O-P

Unless I and others have done something illegal, the NSA needs to get an ACTUAL Warrant, not a FUSA warrant to surveil me and mine.

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